What makes a Trained Leader?
Every boy deserves a trained leader, but what does that mean and how do I earn the "Trained" patch? Regardless to which program, all adult leaders are required to complete Youth Protection Training (YPT) every 2 years. Per Atlanta Area Council requirements, any adult leader who lets their YPT expire only has up to 30 days to renew or they will be dropped from the BSA roster and will be required to reapply, if they want to continue with their unit. To complete this training, log into my.scouting.org and you'll find this training under the "Training" section on "My Dashboard". Note: Leaders under the Venturing program are required to complete Venturing-specific YPT to complete this requirement.
Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Committee Members, and Pack trainers are only required to complete Position Specific Leader Training to finish their basic leader training. This may either be as live training (any district) or online also in the "Training" section of my.scouting.org. BOY SCOUT Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters are required to complete Position Specific Leader Training (formerly called BSALT) and Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (ITOLS) as live training (any district) to be considered fully trained. Committee members only need to complete Troop Committee Challenge (live or online at my.scouting.org) to complete their requirement. VENTURING Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters are required to complete Position Specific Leader Training and Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (ITOLS) (for crews with outdoor programs) as live training (any district) to be considered fully trained |
Upcoming District TrainingCub Scout - Adult: Position Specific Leader Training - April 27, 2017 Position Specific Leader Training - August 30, 2017 Position Specific Leader Training - September 5, 2017 Position Specific Leader Training - September 24, 2017 Position Specific Leader Training - September 28, 2017 Position Specific Leader Training - October 28, 2017 Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation - April 22, 2017 Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation - October 21, 2017 Boy Scout - Adult: Position Specific Leader Training and ITOLS April 28-30, 2017 Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS) Nov 18-19 2017 Boy Scout - Youth: Den Chief Training - February 25, 2017 Junior Leader Training - October 22, 2017 Am I Required to Complete Training in My District?
Since courses such as YPT, ITOLS, Wood Badge, etc. are all National BSA programs, as a registered leader you may take these courses in any district (or council for that matter) that fits your schedule. If you do complete your course in district, your training record is updated automatically, so no additional steps for you. However, if you complete any training out of district, bring your training card to your unit to update your records (your COR, Committee Chair, and Cubmaster/Scoutmaster has this access) or email a scan or photo of your training card to me with your BSA ID and unit number to enter. It is also important to save any training cards you receive in case your BSA ID changes (like if your change councils). For a list of all training opportunities in the AAC, please go here: Download a summary of upcoming training classes |
Training Resources
Scouting U
Position Specific Online Training is now available on Scouting U. The courses are split into quick modules that you can complete whenever you have a moment, even when waiting in carpool line!
Login at my.scouting.org |
Youth Protection
All registered leaders must complete Youth Protection training every two years. We highly recommend doing so even more frequently. All adults involved in scouting are also encouraged to take the training. The safety of our youth is our top priority.
Login at my.scouting.org |
University of Scouting
University of Scouting (UoS) is the premier training council event of the year. It is designed to help your Pack, Troop, Team, Crew, or Ship bring success back to your unit by taking supplemental and specific training classes. There are also classes for youth leaders and commissioners. We encourage your leadership team to attend UoS together.
Register today! |
This page is maintained by Training Chair, Donna Carr